Information regarding Article 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016

Data Controller of the personal data is the Autonomous Province of Bolzano/Bozen, based at Piazza Silvius Magnago 1, 39100 Bolzano, Italy, e-mail:

Data protection officer (DPO): Contact information for the DPO of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano/Bozen are: e-mail:

Purpose of the data processing:
The data provided will be processed by authorized staff of the of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano/Bozen also in electronic form, for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest (Article 6, paragraph 1, letter e) of EU Regulation 2016/679) i.e. for the purpose of promoting environmental information and education initiatives, including interdisciplinary ones, aimed at developing knowledge and raising awareness of the needs of respect and protection of nature, as well as respect for the natural and cultural heritage, pursuant to Article 2, paragraph 1, letter d) of Provincial Law No. 4 of 16 March 2018, as amended, as well as for the purposes of the promotion and carrying out initiatives and measures in the field of environmental information and education such as guided excursions, public events as well as the creation of suitable structures for environmental education and specific training and updating of people both internal who are appointed by the Autonomous Province therein, including the equipment, pursuant to Article 3, paragraph 2, letter f) of the same Law, that fall within the institutional activities of the Stelvio National Park Office, specifically for the organization of activities and initiatives aimed at these purposes within the National Park Visitor Centres. The person in charge of data processing is the pro tempore Director of the Stelvio National Park Office, at the office of the same.
The provision of data is compulsory for the performance of the administrative tasks requested. In the case of refusal to provide the requested data it will not be possible to follow up on the requests made and the applications forwarded.
During the activities and initiatives organised by the National Park Visitor Centres, photographs, videos or other audiovisual media portraying the people taking part may be taken, which may then be processed for the same purposes described above, and in particular for the purposes of internal documentation of the activities and initiatives carried out. The publication of such photographs, videos or other audiovisual media will only take place with the consent of the person portrayed (see § dissemination).

Communication and recipients of data: The data may be communicated to parties that provide services for the maintenance and management of the IT system and/or the institutional website of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano/Bozen, also in cloud computing mode. The cloud provider Microsoft Italia Srl, supplier to the Province of the Office365 service, has committed under the existing contract not to transfer personal data outside the European Union and the countries of the European Economic Area (Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein), without the adequate guarantees provided for in Chapter V of EU Regulation 679/2016. The data recipients referred to above act as external data processors or operate completely independently as separate data controllers. The data may also be transmitted, communicated and processed by any service providers appointed as data processors by the data controller: site manager, social media manager, video filming crew, external companies and collaborators in charge of promotion/advertising and technical organization of activities and initiatives, such as the South Tyrolean Provincial Association of Tourism Organisations, tourism associations, mid-mountain guides, etc.

Dissemination: for the publication or dissemination of the photographs, videos or other audiovisual media taken, the legal basis for the processing is the consent of the data subject as per Article 6, paragraph 1, letter a) of EU Regulation 2016/679. Photographs, videos or other audiovisual media portraying people taking part, taken during the activities and initiatives organised by the National Park Visitor Centres, may then be published in the online or printed press and on the websites and/or pages of the institutional social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Google, Youtube and similar) of the Stelvio National Park Office as well as on the websites and social networks of the Provincial Association of South Tyrolean Tourism Organisations, of IDM Südtirol - Alto Adige and of other public or private bodies, with which the Office cooperates for institutional purposes, with the aim of documenting, through publication, the activities and initiatives carried out, of promoting new ones and similar, as well as for information and environmental education purposes.
The activities and initiatives organised by the National Park Visitor Centres are likely to fall within the initiatives referred to in Article 97, paragraph 1, of State Law No. 633/1941, for which the explicit consent of the person concerned is not required, if the reproduction of the image is justified by scientific, didactic or cultural purposes or linked to facts, events, ceremonies of public interest or held in public. In the latter case, the images collected will be mainly aimed at the environmental context in which the public event itself takes place (main subject) and, on a merely secondary basis (background or context), at the subjects present, taking care not to take close-up or frontal shots of the faces of those present, but with angles that limit the recognisability of the subjects and/or taken from a long distance.
Considering, however, the use of images on a large scale, especially in digital media, it is deemed necessary to acquire the explicit consent to use such data for the purposes of documentation through publication of the Stelvio National Park Office's institutional activity.
Press agencies (RAI, ORF or others), which shall be allowed to take photographs, videos or other audiovisual media, may also be present in the events. For the diffusion of photographs, videos or other audiovisual media no claims for copyright protection or other money requests may be made.

Transfer of data to non-EU countries: With the publication on social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Google, Youtube and similar), data are transferred to third countries, such as the United States of America, which, despite the adoption of the European Commission's adequacy decision EU-US Data Privacy Framework of 10 July 2023, may not guarantee a level of protection substantially equivalent to that guaranteed in the European European Economic Area (EEA) consisting of the Member States of the European Union plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

Automated decision-making: Data processing is not based on an automated decision-making process.

Data retention time: The data will be stored for the period necessary to fulfil the legal obligations in force regarding tax, accounting and administrative matters, i.e. up to 5 years. Photographs, videos and other audiovisual media will be kept for an unlimited period of time as they are of documentary interest in relation to environmental information and education activities. In the event of exercise of the right to be forgotten or withdrawal of consent by the persons concerned, the images will be removed.

Data subject rights: Pursuant to current legislation, the data subject may, at any time, request access to his/her personal data; if he/she considers them to be inaccurate or incomplete, he/she may request that they be corrected or supplemented; if the legal requirements are met, he/she may object to their processing, request their deletion or limitation. In the latter case, excluding storage, the personal data subject to the restriction of processing may be processed only with the consent of the applicant, for the judicial exercise of a right of the Controller, for the protection of the rights of a third party or for reasons of significant public interest.
The necessary request form can be found on the website of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano/Bozen – South Tyrol, under the section Transparente Verwaltung – Weitere Inhalte – Zusätzliche Informationen (this document is only available in German and Italian).

Remedies: Should the individual not receive a response within 30 days of the request’s receipt (a period extendable by 60 days in case of complex or numerous requests), they have the right to file a complaint with the data protection authority or appeal to the court.