The Stelvio National Park is currently present on the following social media: Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.
- Facebook: TN - LO - BZ
- Instagram: TN - LO - BZ
- YouTube: LO - BZ

For the South Tyrolean part of the protected area the Province of Bolzano/Bozen – Office of the Stelvio National Park manages the following accounts:
- Facebook: BZ
- Instagram: BZ
- YouTube: BZ

The Office of the Stelvio National Park provides information about its activities on the most popular social platforms; everyone is invited to take part in the debates on these channels and share the content.

The social profiles of the Office of the Stelvio National Park provide ongoing information about the South Tyrolean section of the Stelvio National Park, with texts and images about guided experiences, projects and other topics.

The content published by the Office of the Stelvio National Park on social media is for information purposes only. The Office's communication via social media platforms is never to be understood as legally relevant or official communication on behalf of the provincial government and the National Park.

Rules of conduct (Netiquette)

The following applies to dialog in our social networks:

  • respectful tone
  • constructive messages that are relevant to the topic
  • Consideration for the opinions of others and those interested in them
  • Clear arguments in relation to your own opinion
    In our social networks, dialog must not contain the following:
  • insults, slander, defamation, provocation
  • Repetition of the same texts and links (spam)
  • Attempts to distract from the topic of discussion in order to deal with other topics
  • sarcastic or ironic comments, as they can lead to misunderstandings or misinterpretations

The netiquette provides recommendations for correct behaviour in the social media in which the Office of the Stelvio National Park communicates. It contains rules of behaviour that all those who participate in these social networks must adhere to.
The netiquette is based on the principle of respectful interaction: the Office of the Stelvio National Park is open to dialogue and different opinions, but does not allow personal attacks or insults. Provocative or offensive comments are to be avoided; all those who communicate with each other on the Internet must respect each other and observe common principles. Racism, xenophobia, discrimination on the basis of religion, ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, etc. and incitement to violence will not be tolerated. Published content must not violate the rights of third parties, data protection or the privacy of individuals. Spam and advertising are not permitted and will be deleted immediately.
The main aim of netiquette is to create a positive, respectful online environment in the social networks in which the Stelvio National Park and the Autonomous Province of Bolzano/Bozen present themselves and in which a wide range of information about their activities is available.

Consequences of improper use
The Office of the Stelvio National Park is responsible for managing the above-mentioned social channels; in this role, it moderates comments and discussions and reserves the right to

  • not to reply to inappropriate comments
  • remove inappropriate and offensive comments
  • block or remove user profiles that repeatedly violate the rules of conduct (netiquette)
  • report serious breaches of netiquette.

The Office reserves the right to take legal action against the users concerned in the event of serious violations.

Data protection
The social media channels of the Office of the Stelvio National Park can be accessed directly from the web portal via hyperlinks in the footer.

To protect privacy, the social media buttons on the websites of the Office of the Stelvio National Park do not collect cookies from third parties. Only those who click on the hyperlink on their own initiative will be redirected to the external social platform, where the cookie settings for the social platform (for which the Autonomous Province of Bolzano/Bozenand the Office of the Stelvio National Park are not responsible) must be specified.

Each social network has its own guidelines for the processing of personal data, which can be found in the ‘Privacy Policy’ section of the respective social platform.